Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Day 23 Week 4

This morning I awoke at the unprepared time of 5:45 a.m. Yesterday we meet with the chief and elders of the community of Pusupu and upon departure of our visit, they decided they were going to bang the gong to address the community for the youth to arrive in the morning for a message. Before going to bed, we had not heard the gong, so we were under the impression that it was not going to be happening. Well I was wrong! I rushed to get ready and when we got up there no one had arrived. I am learning that the people of Ghana and the Ntrubo people are not concerned with time. In addition, they seem to tell you one thing and then at the last minute it changes. Adaptation is the word of the trip. I had not prepared a message for the morning, since it I was not thinking we were meeting, so I had to gather myself and put a message together. I remembered my word of the trip, adaptation, and once again, I had to implement that very word. Once people started to arrive, it was not the youth at all, but all the adults. I again had to change my message and speak of something more appropriate. The delivery went well and I feel it was well received. I am learning that God is with you always. I am also learning not to worry for he will help you when you are not able, or caught off guard.
Finally Rain!!!! It is the first time for rain in over two months! Wow! I never thought I would look forward for rain… Never mind, it was just thunder!

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