Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Day 15 Week 3

Currently I am experiencing the things we take for granted in a developed country. I am currently writing not knowing how much longer my battery will last for we are out of electricity at the moment. This happens almost every week at least once and no one knows when it will come back on. I have been involved a lot in teaching and preaching and observing throughout the village. I spoke to both the primary schools and the junior high school. Both of which I observed in their classes and then gave them words of encouragement. I love how open the country is for in the public schools there is a classes taught to everyone about religious and moral education. In which they talk about Christianity and all that comes with it. I also spoke to the women of the church. That was interesting and challenging for a man to addresses women, especially when I am so young and am easily intimidated by women. However, it went well and I welcome the opportunities in the future to speak to them again. The students were very open to what I had to say and over all everyone has been very pleased with the messages that have been delivered. I am learning how to be a vessel for God to work through, because there many moments where I just have thought after thought that keep coming and it all makes since and flows nicely. It is difficult to preach the way I have been taught for I can not type things out and or write everything out for I do not have much paper, so I have been doing outlines and then developing them when I preaching. It seems very poorly planned, but I am assured that I have the ideas of what I speaking about. Much like in the America all the children and youth have taken to me and are very open and warm. I am now going to be going to another village done the road for a few days to preach and see the people and then I am off for a two week travel of about 7-10 villages where I will be teaching and preaching and making visitations.

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