Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Day 12 Week 2

Wow already I have been here for one week and I feel very much apart of the village. I am constantly being addressed in conversations and it has been great. I am becoming to have more confidence in my teaching and preaching for I have taught every night since Friday. I have spoken to the youth and the men. Both of which I feel went really well. It is difficult to plan for the lessons because of the way I have been taught, in which I realize now how much I rely on technology and resources that are not available. I actually love it though because I feel I am learning to preach and teach strictly form the word. I do not have access to the Internet, commentaries, or anything else other than the Bible. Although I feel those things are very useful, I am glad that I do not have those for I feel this is preparing me to be a biblically focused preacher and teacher. It has been a little more difficult using a translator for sometimes even the translator does not understand me and so it can throw off my thought or movement, but all in all it has been good. On to week three here we go!

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