Friday, September 5, 2008

Sunrise to Sunset

One of the greatest signs of God’s beauty brings time to a stand still every evening and early morning. Every evening the sunsets and the thoughts of the past day occur. At this moment, one reflects upon where they came from in the early morning of that day. The feelings of the night bring comfort and grace. Life is good! Upon the sunrise of the next morn’ you find yourself in the same state of amazement awed by the masterpiece from God. A new day presents questions and concerns that cannot be answered, but only pondered. This time can be uncomfortable and challenging for what is to come has not been written in the story of the sunset. With a cool breeze, as of a whisper form God, stand in the sunset and remember what God has done and who you have become. With the sunrise of this new stage in your life have confidence in who you are and what God will do through you! For with every beautiful sunrise comes a beautiful sunset designed just for you. This sunset has displayed the beauty of a wonderful time in your life and now a new day has begun. The sky is open write your story in the sunset!
~By: Ricky Altmiller

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